During the early nineteen hundreds, resided a young woman called Carrie Pollitzer. Her life in the us was much different in comparison to present day. Women didn’t have much freedom to be independent and their accomplishments were based primarily on gender. A woman would go to college to meet a spouse, stay at home with the small children, and would have trouble living a higher standard of life if not marrying. Economically, businesses were run by the white man.
Men possessed the land and often acquired poor white women and African Americans working the farms. Industrially, the factories were possessed by men and many women that were unwed works in the factories. Politically, the white man ran the national and state. They were the only Americans who were permitted to vote. My study of the southern women has shown, culturally, there were many different ways of living and prospering in the south. One is the poor BLACK communities, where the people didn’t have anything.
Another was the wealthy white plantation buying family members who only associated themselves with other rich upper-class plantation owners. This was a time when the civil war was and the African Americans were not slaves any longer over, so new problems were arising for the South since there was no longer free labor. Many women wrote characters to talk to their relatives and buddies. Our Service Can Write a Custom Essay on Carrie Pollitzer for you personally!
The number 1 campaign in women’s suffrage was the to vote. In 1913 two-Charleston women made a decision to rebel and sign up for a newly shaped party, which would be known as the Country wide Women’s Party later. Both women’s names were Carrie and Mabel Pollitzer. Later their younger sister joined in the entire year 1916. Her name was Anita Pollitzer. The marketing campaign of the National Women’s Party was to win the to vote for women living in America and would change all three women’s lives.
Carrie Pollitzer published many characters to her family and friends. Through her words, I have been able to take a step back in its history and experience what life may have been for her. She was created December 5, 1881 in Charleston, SC. She was the daughter of Gustave M. Pollitzer and Mrs. Clara Guinzburg Pollitzer.
Her dad was the owner of the firm, G.M. Pollitzer & Company of Charleston and Beaufort. His company exported sea-island cotton and cotton seed. His family were German Jews who emigrated from Vienna to NY before Gustav was created. He made his way to Charleston when he was age sixteen.
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Carrie’s mother was from Baltimore and was the child of the rabbi. Her family got emigrated from Prague in 1848. She taught German having graduated from Hunter College before she was married. Carrie experienced two young sisters, Mabel and Anita Pollitzer. Anita, born October 31, 1894, was the youngest considered and blessed the smartest.
She had discovered how to read, write, and play the piano before she even inserted school. She also graduated from Columbia University with a degree in art and education in 1916. Her middle sister Mabel was very helped and active Carrie with women’s suffrage. She organized the biology department at Memminger high and normal schools in 1906. She also established the Charleston Public Library in 1929, which required obtaining legislation.
Her brother was a pediatrician who spent most of his life in Greenville. The Pollitzer family was very prominent and somewhat rich. There was an invitation to the president’s banquet at the Charleston hotel in 1903, found in the family letters. This implies Carrie’s father had an influence of an increased society. My impression is the family was a part of the elite class in Charleston so that as young women in the early nineteen hundreds; the Pollitzer sisters achieved the unusual for that point. On October 24 Carrie Pollitzer died, 1972, at the age of ninety-two. Carrie Pollitzer was the oldest so she got to set a good example and she really does.
During the time when Carrie was a little girl, it was rare for girls to have gone beyond a higher college education. Carrie proved this to be something of history. She started at Miss Hutchet’s private college and moved on to public institutions. She graduated from Memminger Normal School in 1901. She was age twenty.